A battery is a small chemical plant, which stores energy in the plates. Lead acid batteries are chemically charged with pure sulfuric acid and pure distilled water. This solution is called Electrolyte. The sulfuric acid enters the clean pores of the plates causing a normal chemical action. The lead dioxide (Pbo2) plate and Sponge lead (Pb) plate is immersed into H2 So4 solution called electrolyte, they create a battery. Electrical energy is produced by the chemical reaction between two different metals and the electrolyte.
During the discharge cycle the active lead from the +ve plate combines with the sulfate of electrolyte to Pbso4 on +ve plate. While on the – ve plate Pb combines with So4 of electrolyte to form Pbso4 on–ve plate. Now discharged battery can be recharged by passing proper current at proper voltage
During charge cycle the chemical reaction that takes place are basically the reverse of those that occur in during discharge. The lead sulfate in both plates is split into its original form of lead (Pb) and Sulfate (So4). The water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. As the sulfate (So4) leaves the plate combines with H2 and restored to electrolyte.
So in Short during discharge, gravity of electrolyte decreases and after complete charging it reaches to its original value 1.260 – 1.270.
Regeneration Machines uses a technology to provide a PULSE WIDTH MODULATION de-sulfating process to the battery. This technology is based upon high amperage and low frequency pulses of direct current, which induce a resonance within the battery’s internal lead plates.
This resonant frequency then allows the lead plates to safely shed the harmful sulfate build-ups and return them to solution within the battery electrolyte, increasing the specific gravity and voltage, while lowering the impedance back to factory values and increasing the performance of the battery.
Battery Regeneration Technology offfered by Sthayin energy works on the hard sulphation by cracking the crystals and turning them into amorphous forms. Reaching this level of efficiency is crucial, which is achieved by superior technology of regenerator machine & the associated software.
The level of efficiency, automation and long-term support ensure the best battery restoration and regeneration results.
Battery recondition can be done regularly through a maintenance service or once through a full service.
Sulfation is the formation or build-up of lead sulfate crystals on the surface and in the pores of the active material of the batteries’ lead plates. If the battery is left unattended once sulfation starts it will form larger crystals on the plates and the battery capacity will get smaller and smaller as the sulfation builds until it reaches a stage in which the battery may not work at all.
During normal use of the battery the formation of lead sulfate crystals is only temporary, they disperse during the recharging process. The issue with sulfation occurs when the larger lead sulfate crystals become permanent.
It is again interesting that the reason is again sulfation but irreversible. During charging some sulfate crystals do not return back to electrolyte and remain attached to the battery plates. This process increases if battery remains in undercharged condition or idle without charging. Day by day the battery plate is clogged and sulfation makes an insulation layer wall in between electrolyte and battery plates. This is called irreversible sulfation which could not be removed by normal charging process.
The Battery internal resistance is increased and so battery does not get sufficient charging. The specific gravity of electrolyte decreases so less So4 ions are remain in electrolyte for chemical reaction. Now clogged sulfated plates and weak electrolyte all contribute to premature battery failure .